- LifestyleAFP Deutschland
VideoKeine sozialen Medien für Kinder? Gesetz in Australien umstritten
NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, AUSTRALIEN 10. SEPTEMBER 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:07 Totale people crossing the road on their phones 2. 00:07-00:11 Halbnahe a person sits along the pedestrian walk looking at a phone 3. 00:11-00:15 Totale people sitting on a park bench on their phones CANBERRA, AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY, AUSTRALIEN 10. SEPTEMBER 2024 QUELLE: ABC EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTERS OUT 4. 00:15-00:35 O-TON 1 - Anthony Albanese, australischer P
- NachrichtenAFP Deutschland
VideoUkrainische Drohnenangriffe auf Russland - Frau in Region Moskau getötet
RAMENSKY DISTRICT, RUSSLAND 10. SEPTEMBER 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:03 Totale panoramic view for a damaged residential building following a drone attack in Ramenskoye 2. 00:03-00:07 Halbnahe a damaged residential building following a drone attack in Ramenskoye 3. 00:07-00:13 Totale a damaged residential building following a drone attack in Ramenskoye 4. 00:13-00:16 Halbnahe a damaged residential building following a drone attack in Ramenskoye 5. 00:16-00:19 a damaged residential building fo
- SportEuronews Videos
VideoIsreaelische Fußballfans fordern ein Ende des Krieges im Gazastreifen
Bei einem Spiel der israelischen Nationalmannschaft gegen Italien in Budapest haben israelische Fußballfans ein Ende des Krieges gefordert.
- NachrichtenAFP Deutschland
VideoAmpel-Koalition, Ländervertreter und Union beraten über Migration
BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND 19. OKTOBER 2021 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:04 Totale Reichstagsgebäude BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND 25. MÄRZ 2021 QUELLE: AFPTV 2. 00:04-00:09 Halbnahe Bundestag; Reichstagsgebäude FORST, BRANDENBURG, DEUTSCHLAND 11. OKTOBER 2023 QUELLE: AFP 3. 00:09-00:13 Foto A border sign for the Federal Republic of Germany is pictured as officers of the German Federal Police (Bundespolizei) are seen controlling the traffic near Forst, eastern Germany on October 11, 2023, during a patrol near the b
- NachrichtenAFP Deutschland
VideoRussischer Oppositioneller Kara-Mursa: "Putin muss besiegt werden"
PARIS, FRANKREICH 9. SEPTEMBER 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:22 O-TON 1 - Wladimir Kara-Mursa, russischer Oppositioneller (Mann, Englisch, 22 Sek.): "No, we certainly don't need more realpolitik. That's one thing we definitely do not need. And I think it is very important that the world's democracies stand on their values, stand on their principles, actually practice the principles that they are founded on. And if we're talking about this specific situation, it is very important that Vladimir P
- NachrichtenAFP Deutschland
VideoDutzende Tote bei israelischem Angriff auf humanitäre Zone im Gazastreifen
AL MAWASI, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 10. SEPTEMBER 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:12 Halbnahe Gaza Civil Defense at scene of deadly strike on Al-Mawasi 2. 00:12-00:19 Halbnahe Gaza Civil Defense at scene of deadly strike on Al-Mawasi 3. 00:19-00:29 Halbnahe Gaza Civil Defense at scene of deadly strike on Al-Mawasi 4. 00:29-00:36 Halbnahe Gaza Civil Defense at scene of deadly strike on Al-Mawasi 5. 00:36-00:46 Halbnahe Gaza Civil Defense at scene of deadly strike on Al-Mawasi 6. 00:46-00:54 Totale