75 Jahre Nato - doch wenig Grund zum Feiern

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) BRÜSSEL, BELGIEN 20. FEBRUAR 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:05 Schwenk von rechts nach links from NATO banners to flags WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA 29. AUGUST 2023 QUELLE: AFP 2. 00:05-00:10 Foto US President Joe Biden looks on as Costa Rica's President Rodrigo Chaves Robles, not pictured, speaks during a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, DC, on August 29, 2023. MADISON, WISCONSIN, USA 5. JULI 2024 QUELLE: DC POOL EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: USA AUSGESCHLOSSEN AUSTRALIEN AUSGESCHLOSSEN NO ACCESS FROM CUBA / IRAN / SYRIA / NORTH KOREA / SUDAN / CRIMEA / DONETSK AND LUHANSK REGIONS OF UKRAINE 3. 00:10-00:18 Halbnahe US President Joe Biden arrives to deliver remarks at a campaign event 4. 00:18-00:24 Halbnahe US President Joe Biden at the podium WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA 26. JULI 2022 QUELLE: AFP 5. 00:24-00:29 Foto Former US President Donald Trump speaks at the America First Policy Institute Agenda Summit in Washington, DC, on July 26, 2022. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, USA 14. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 6. 00:29-00:38 Halbnahe Trump on stage clapping as he's greeted by crowd 7. 00:38-00:43 O-TON 1 - Donald Trump, Former US President (Mann, 78 Jahre alt, English, 5 Sek.): "There's nowhere else, I'd rather be on my birthday. It's Flag Day, my birthday. Then right here with thousands of proud American patriots from the great state of Florida." NEW YORK, BUNDESSTAAT NEW YORK, USA 31. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 8. 00:43-00:49 O-TON 2 - Donald Trump, former US president (Mann, English, 6 Sek.): "I would have testified, I wanted to testify. The theory is you never testify because as soon as you testify, for anybody, if it were George Washington don't testify because they'll get you in something that you said slightly wrong, and then they sue you for perjury, but I didn't care about that, I wanted to. But the judge allowed them to go into everything that I was ever involved in." WILDWOOD, NEW JERSEY, USA 11. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 9. 00:49-00:57 Detail former US president Donald Trump greeting crowd of supporters 10. 00:57-01:01 Halbnahe former US president Donald Trump speaking during rally MESEBERG, BRANDENBURG, DEUTSCHLAND 28. MAI 2024 QUELLE: POOL 11. 01:01-01:06 Foto German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (R) and France's President Emmanuel Macron attend a press conference at the Schloss Meseberg palace in Meseberg, eastern Germany, on May 28, 2024. BRÜSSEL, BELGIEN 28. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 12. 01:05-01:10 O-TON 3 - Emmanuel Macron, French president (Mann, French, 5 Sek.): "I don't want to get into a constitutionalist debate here. I think that the Prime Minister and the Armed Forces Ministers have clarified and stated very clearly what the Constitution is, and I don't want to get into this debate, which is astonishing. But what arrogance! In other words, the whole debate today is being conducted as if they (RN) were already there (in the government) - (as if according to RN) you don't need to go out and vote. After criticising me for 15 days for having asked the French people to go out and vote, now (RN makes it sound like) you shouldn't go out and vote, [as if] all the posts [in the future government, ed.] had already been filled, [as if] they were already there, [as if] the question now is only how. But the French people have not chosen yet. Who are they (RN) to explain what the Constitution should be? Who are they?" "Je ne veux pas ici rentrer dans un débat de constitutionnalistes, je crois que le Premier ministre, les ministres des armées ont éclairé, ont dit très clairement ce qu'était la Constitution, et moi je ne veux pas rentrer dans ce débat qui est étonnant. Mais quelle arrogance ! C'est-à-dire que tout le débat aujourd'hui fait comme s'ils étaient déjà dans la place. Au fond, il ne faudrait pas aller voter. Après m'avoir reproché pendant 15 jours d'avoir demandé souverainement aux Français d'aller voter, maintenant il ne faudrait plus aller voter, tous les postes sont déjà répartis. Ils sont déjà là dans la place. La question maintenant est celle des modalités. Mais les Français n'ont pas choisi. Qui sont-ils pour expliquer ce que devrait être la Constitution ? Qui sont-ils ?" BERLIN, DEUTSCHLAND 5. JULI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 13. 01:10-01:13 O-TON 4 - Olaf Scholz, German Chancellor (Mann, German, 3 Sek.): "Ukraine can count on our solidarity, Putin cannot count on our solidarity and support waning as a result of the fiscal problems of individual countries or because of the fact that political will may not always be the same everywhere. That is a clear message." "Die Ukraine kann sich auf unsere Solidarität verlassen Putin kann nicht darauf kalkulieren dass die Solidarität nachlässt und dass die Unterstützung nachlässt weder wegen fiskalischer Probleme einzelner Länder noch wegen der Tatsache dass möglicherweise der politische Wille nicht überall gleichmäßig immer regiert derzeit zur Verfügung steht so das ist ein klares Statement." MOSKAU, RUSSLAND 5. JULI 2024 QUELLE: POOL VIA VGTRK 14. 01:13-01:18 Totale Russian president Vladimir Putin speaking during the joint press conference after talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban 15. 01:18-01:23 Nah Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban listening to Russian president Vladimir Putin during the joint press conference after talks EDINBURGH, SCHOTTLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN 7. JULI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV FOR INTERNATIONAL POOL 16. 01:23-01:28 O-TON 5 - Keir Starmer, British Prime Minister (Mann, English, 5 Sek.): "I'm not going to go into the details of all the discussions that we had. But we were of a joint view that we can work constructively together. I'm absolutely clear that during the campaign, I made a commitment that my Labour government would deliver for Scotland. That's why I'm back here, making good on that commitment, that promise and starting the work of change across Scotland, and took this opportunity to reset relations with the First Minister and Deputy First Minister. And we will take forward further steps to ensure that is bedded in now." POLEN 4. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFP 17. 01:27-01:32 Foto A Ukrainian soldier Ukrainian practices trench assaulting during a military training with French servicemen, in a military training compound at an undisclosed location in Poland, on April 4, 2024. UKRAINE 27. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 18. 01:32-01:36 Panorama 'CAESAR' in the firing position 19. 01:36-01:40 Totale 'CAESAR' preparing to leave firing position UNDISCLOSED, UKRAINE 18. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 20. 01:40-01:45 Totale soldiers training on a shooting range 21. 01:45-01:50 Halbnahe soldiers training on a shooting range 22. 01:50-01:54 Halbnahe soldier reloading weapon 23. 01:54-01:58 Halbnahe soldier firing assault rifle