Mehrere Tote nach russischem Angriff auf Odessa

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) 29. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:05 Totale building of the International Humanitarian University in Odesa on fire 2. 00:05-00:10 Totale ambulances line street, plumes of smoke rise from building on fire 3. 00:10-00:14 Totale building of the International Humanitarian University in Odesa on fire 4. 00:14-00:18 Halbnahe building of the International Humanitarian University in Odesa on fire ODESSA, UKRAINE 29. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: @GENNADIY TRUKHANOV / TELEGRAM 5. 00:18-00:23 O-TON 1 - Gennadiy Trukhanov, Mayor of Odesa (Mann, 59 Jahre alt, Ukrainian, 5 Sek.): "Unfortunately, the death toll is rising, a young woman has just died. Now there is a fight for the life of the man, an unknown man, but he is in intensive care with serious injuries. A child, 4.5 years old, is being examined. Freaks, animals, non-humans, abominations. I don't know what else to say to them." "На жаль, кількість загиблих збільшується, тільки що померла молода жінка. Зараз іде боротьба за життя чоловіка, поки що невідомого чоловіка, але з тяжкими пораненнями він знаходиться в реанімації. Іде обстеження дитини, 4,5 роки. Уроди, тварі, нелюді, паскуди. Не знаю, що їм ще можна сказати." 29. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 6. 00:23-00:29 Totale building of the International Humanitarian University in Odesa on fire 7. 00:29-00:31 Halbnahe building of the International Humanitarian University in Odesa on fire ODESSA, UKRAINE 6. MÄRZ 2024 QUELLE: UKRAINIAN PRESIDENCY 8. 00:31-00:36 Schwenk von links nach rechts ship in the Odesa port 9. 00:36-00:40 Totale ship in the Odesa port 10. 00:40-00:43 Totale ship in the Odesa port UKRAINE 28. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 11. 00:43-00:47 Halbnahe explosions can be heard as smoke rises between buildings in the area of Ocheretyne 12. 00:47-00:52 Totale black smoke in the air during a strike in the area of Ocheretyne 13. 00:52-00:55 Halbnahe smoke rises during a strike in the area of Ocheretyne 14. 00:55-00:58 Halbnahe smoke rises during a strike in the area of Ocheretyne 15. 00:58-01:02 Halbnahe a car drives through a village as smoke rises in the distance