Russische Angriffe befürchtet: Kiew evakuiert zwei Klinken

KIEW, UKRAINE 26. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:05 Halbnahe ambulance coming for evacuation from the hospital 2. 00:05-00:10 Halbnahe ambulance coming for evacuation from the hospital 3. 00:10-00:15 Halbnahe ambulance evacuating people from the hospital 4. 00:15-00:21 Halbnahe ambulances near the hospital 5. 00:21-00:26 Totale ambulances near the hospital 6. 00:26-00:35 Schwenk von links nach rechts parents with child evacuating from the hospital 7. 00:35-00:42 Panorama ambulance evacuating people from the hospital 8. 00:42-00:47 Halbnahe medical workers near the hospital 9. 00:47-00:51 Halbnahe mother with child near the hospital