Dutzende Tote bei israelischem Beschuss von Flüchtlingslager in Rafah

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) RAFAH, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 27. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:05 Totale smouldering rubble after an Israeli strike on a camp for displaced persons in Rafah 2. 00:05-00:08 Halbnahe of people clearing the rubble 3. 00:08-00:11 Totale body bags on the floor (WARNHINWEIS: TOD) 4. 00:11-00:15 Schwenk von oben nach unten a man cries on the body of his loved one (WARNHINWEIS: TOD) RAFAH, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 26. MAI 2024 QUELLE: ALRAY PALESTINIAN MEDIA AGENCY 5. 00:15-00:25 O-TON 1 - Ismail al-Thawabta, Director General of the Hamas-run Government Media Office in Gaza (Mann, Arabic, 10 Sek.): "The Israeli occupation army has bombarded more than ten centres for displaced persons in the last 24 hours, and recently committed a horrific massacre in the centre for displaced persons in Al-Wakala, north-west of the Rafah governorate, killing more than 30 martyrs and injuring dozens of people." TEL AVIV, ISRAEL 9. MAI 2024 QUELLE: IDF (ISRAELI DEFENSE FORCES) 6. 00:25-00:46 O-TON 2 - Rear-Admiral Daniel Hagari, IDF Spokesperson (Mann, Hebrew, 21 Sek.): "The IDF has armaments for the missions it plans, and we also have enough weaponry to complete our mission in Rafah. I say this here in the context of everything that came up with the United States and it is important to say it. The United States has helped us in an unprecedented manner since the start of the war." RAFAH, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 26. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 7. 00:46-00:53 Verfolgungsfahrt paramedics transporting a body at the Kuwaiti hospital (WARNHINWEIS: TOD) 8. 00:53-00:58 Verfolgungsfahrt paramedics transporting a body at the Kuwaiti hospital (WARNHINWEIS: TOD) 9. 00:58-01:02 Schwenk von links nach rechts medics sorting bodies at the Kuwaiti hospital (WARNHINWEIS: TOD) 10. 01:02-01:08 Verfolgungsfahrt paramedic transporting a child's shrouded body at the Kuwaiti hospital (WARNHINWEIS: TOD) 11. 01:08-01:14 Halbnahe paramedics loading a body into an ambulance (WARNHINWEIS: TOD) 12. 01:14-01:19 Totale ambulances carrying bodies leaving the Kuwaiti hospital