Kiew meldet neun Tote bei russischen Angriffen

DNIPRO, OBLAST DNIPROPETROWSK, UKRAINE 19. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:03 Totale smoke rises from a multi-storey building 2. 00:03-00:08 Totale smoke rises from a multi-storey building with signs of damage 3. 00:08-00:12 Halbnahe smoke rises from the partially destroyed top floor of a multi-storey building 4. 00:12-00:16 Totale smoke rises from the partially destroyed top floor of a multi-storey building 5. 00:16-00:21 Totale street in smoke and dust 6. 00:21-00:26 Totale firefighters on a cherry picker ladder at the top floor level 7. 00:26-00:29 Totale firefighters extinguish a fire on the top floor of a multi-storey building