AfD verhängt Auftrittsverbot für Europa-Spitzenkandidat Krah

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) MAGDEBURG, SACHSEN-ANHALT, DEUTSCHLAND 29. JULI 2023 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:04 Nah Maximilian Krah, incumbent EU Parliament member, holding a speech after he was elected with 65.7% of the votes to lead the AfD's 2024 European Union election campaign 2. 00:04-00:10 Halbnahe Maximilian Krah, incumbent EU Parliament member, holding a speech 3. 00:10-00:16 Halbnahe Maximilian Krah, incumbent EU Parliament member, holding a speech after he was elected with 65.7% of the votes to lead the AfD's 2024 European Union election campaign MAGDEBURG, SACHSEN-ANHALT, DEUTSCHLAND 28. JULI 2023 QUELLE: AFPTV 4. 00:16-00:22 Halbnahe AfD co-presidents Tino Chrupalla and Alice Weidel 5. 00:22-00:27 Totale journalists in front of the stage MARSEILLE, BOUCHES-DU-RHÔNE, FRANKREICH 3. MÄRZ 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 6. 00:27-00:35 O-TON 1 - Marine Le Pen, leader of far-right National rally MPs at the French National Assembly (Frau, French, 8 Sek.): "A president under siege, hissed at at the Paris International Agricultural Show, who thinks he can find political salvation in a belligerent attitude that has left the French stunned. France is totally isolated, with all the capitals, from Berlin to Washington, from Madrid to Stockholm, firmly rejecting this sensational and unreasonable announcement." "Un président en état de siège, sifflé au Salon de l'agriculture, qui croit pouvoir trouver le salut politique dans des postures guerrières qui ont stupéfié les Français. La France en est d’ailleurs sortie totalement isolée, l’ensemble des capitales, de Berlin à Washington, de Madrid à Stockholm, ont rejeté fermement cette annonce aussi fracassante que déraisonnable." BRÜSSEL, BELGIEN 10. APRIL 2024 QUELLE: EBS 7. 00:35-00:40 Totale MEPs voting for one of the EU asylum policies PERPIGNAN, PYRÉNÉES-ORIENTALES, FRANKREICH 1. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 8. 00:40-00:46 O-TON 2 - Marine Le Pen, parliamentary leader of the National Rally (RN) (Frau, French, 6 Sek.): "We must stand against them, we must sanction them, we must dismiss them. We must give this power the most crushing electoral sanction possible. And this sanction will be measured, no doubt, by the gap between the list led by Jordan Bardella and that of the Macronist deconstructors. So no abstentions on 9 June, but no division either." "Nous devons les contrer, nous devons les sanctionner, nous devons les congédier. Nous devons donner à ce pouvoir la plus cinglante sanction électorale qu'on puisse lui infliger. Et cette sanction, elle sera mesurée, n'en doutez pas, à l'écart entre la liste emmenée par Jordan Bardella et celle des déconstructeurs macronistes. Donc le 9 juin, pas d'abstention, mais pas de dispersion non plus." DRESDEN, SACHSEN, DEUTSCHLAND 1. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 9. 00:46-00:52 Herauszoomen AfD's top European candidate Maximilian Krah arrives at the event 10. 00:52-00:58 Halbnahe AfD's top European candidate Maximilian Krah waits close to the stage before his speech