Gaza-Krieg: Netanjahu weist Kritik an Israels Vorgehen zurück

JERUSALEM, NICHT DEFINIERT 5. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:29 O-TON 1 - Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister (Mann, Hebrew, 29 Sek.): "The intention to tie our hands comes from various factors in the international community. From here, from Jerusalem, on the night of Holocaust Day, I am sending them a clear and decisive message - you will not tie our hands. Even if Israel is forced to stand alone, we will stand alone, and we will continue to strike our enemies powerfully until victory." 2. 00:29-00:48 O-TON 2 - Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister (Mann, Hebrew, 19 Sek.): "As the prime minister of Israel, the state of a thousands-of-years-old proud people, I swear - no pressure, no decision, in any international forum, will prevent us from defending ourselves against those who want to annihilate us."