Briten wählen ein neues Parlament - Machtwechsel steht bevor

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) LONDON, GROSSBRITANNIEN 4. JULI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:04 Totale voter queuing to enter polling station at Bermondsey Village Hall 2. 00:04-00:09 Schwenk von rechts nach links voter taking photograph of his dog with polling station sign and walking to enter polling station at Bermondsey Village Hall 3. 00:09-00:11 Totale voter queuing to enter polling station at Bermondsey Village Hall LONDON, GROSSBRITANNIEN 28. JULI 2022 QUELLE: AFPTV 4. 00:11-00:14 Totale Palace of Westminster viewed from across the River Thames 5. 00:14-00:16 Halbnahe flag flying on Victoria Tower of Palace of Westminster 6. 00:16-00:19 Halbnahe red London bus crossing Westminster Bridge LONDON, GROSSBRITANNIEN 4. JULI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 7. 00:19-00:21 Totale banner for polling station at Bermondsey Village Hall, people passing 8. 00:21-00:23 Halbnahe banner for polling station at Bermondsey Village Hall 9. 00:23-00:35 O-TON 1 - Frau, Wählerin in London (Frau, 26 Jahre alt, English, 12 Sek.): "I mean I'd love to rejoin the EU. So I think there's a lot of discourse at the moment about immigration, which is negative and I think a lot of it's not well-framed. So that's an important issue for me, at the moment and the NHS." 10. 00:35-00:45 O-TON 2 - Mann, Wähler in London (Mann, 52 Jahre alt, English, 10 Sek.): "If you look at the fundamental problems for the UK, they're not really the ones that have been spoken about, but they're why are we paying more tax than we ever have yet feeling poor at the same time?" LONDON, GROSSBRITANNIEN 4. JULI 2024 QUELLE: AGENCY POOL 11. 00:45-00:52 Verfolgungsfahrt Labour Party leader Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria Starmer arriving at a London polling station NORTHALLERTON, NORTH YORKSHIRE, GROSSBRITANNIEN 4. JULI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV FOR AGENCY POOL 12. 00:52-01:01 Verfolgungsfahrt British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak heads to the polling station with his wife Akshata Murty CLACTON-ON-SEA, ESSEX, GROSSBRITANNIEN 3. JULI 2024 QUELLE: PRESS ASSOCIATION EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: UK BROADCASTERS OUT UK ONLINE PLATFORMS OUT 13. 01:01-01:05 Panorama Reform UK leader Nigel Farage comes out the top of a vehicle 14. 01:05-01:08 LONDON, GROSSBRITANNIEN 4. JULI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 15. 01:08-01:11 Halbnahe people walk pass entrance to polling station 16. 01:11-01:15 Nah polling station sign points to entrance