Mehrere Länder erkennen Palästinenserstaat an - Israel wütend

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) RAMALLAH, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 23. FEBRUAR 2023 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:05 Totale traffic in Al-Manara Square, downtown Ramallah 2. 00:05-00:09 Totale traffic in Yasser Arafat Square, in the center of Ramallah 3. 00:09-00:13 Nah Palestinian flag flying in Yasser Arafat Square DUBLIN, LEINSTER, IRLAND 22. MAI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 4. 00:13-00:33 O-TON 1 - Simon Harris, Irischer Regierungschef (Mann, Englisch, 19 Sek.): "Letzten Monat stand ich auf denselben Stufen mit dem spanischen Premierminister Sanchez, und wir sagten, dass der Zeitpunkt der Anerkennung des Staates Palästina näher rückt. Dieser Punkt ist nun erreicht. Heute verkünden Irland, Norwegen und Spanien, dass wir den Staat Palästina anerkennen. Jeder von uns wird nun die notwendigen nationalen Schritte unternehmen, um diese Entscheidung in die Tat umzusetzen. Im Vorfeld der heutigen Ankündigung habe ich mit einer Reihe anderer Staatenlenker und Amtskollegen gesprochen, und ich bin zuversichtlich, dass sich uns in den kommenden Wochen weitere Länder anschließen und diesen wichtigen Schritt vollziehen werden. Dies ist ein historischer und wichtiger Tag für Irland und für Palästina." "Last month I stood on the same steps with Prime Minister Sanchez of Spain, and we said that the point of recognising the state of Palestine was coming closer. That point has now arrived. Today, Ireland, Norway and Spain are announcing that we recognise the state of Palestine. Each of us will now undertake whatever national steps are necessary to give effect to that decision. In the lead-up to today's announcement, I've spoken with a number of other leaders and counterparts, and I'm confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step in the coming weeks. This is an historic and important day for Ireland and for Palestine." OSLO, NORWEGEN 22. MAI 2024 QUELLE: NORWEGIAN GOVERNMENT 5. 00:33-00:41 O-TON 2 - Jonas Gahr Store, Norwegian Prime Minister (Mann, Norwegian, 8 Sek.): "The government has decided that Norway will recognise the state of Palestine. Norway's recognition will come into force on 28 May. Norway will therefore regard Palestine as an independent state with all the rights and duties that this entails. A Palestinian state is obliged in line with international law to live in peace within secure, internationally recognised borders, and to comply with all relevant UN resolutions." "Regjeringen har besluttet at Norge vil anerkjenne staten Palestina. Norges anerkjennelse vil tre i kraft 28. mai. Norge vil med det anse Palestina som en uavhengig, selvstendig stat med alle de rettigheter og plikter som dette innebærer. En palestinsk stat er forpliktet i tråd med folkeretten til å leve i fred innenfor sikre, internasjonale, anerkjente grenser, og etterleve alle relevante FN-resolusjoner." MADRID, SPANIEN 22. MAI 2024 QUELLE: SPANISH CONGRESS 6. 00:41-00:48 O-TON 3 - Pedro Sánchez, Spanish Prime minister (Mann, Spanish, 7 Sek.): "If one thing is clear to me, it is that Prime Minister Netanyahu does not have a spirit of peace for Palestine. Fighting the terrorist group Hamas is legitimate and necessary after the events of 7 October, but Netanyahu is creating so much pain, so much destruction and so much bitterness in Gaza and the rest of Palestine that the two-state solution is in danger, in serious danger of becoming unviable. The offensive he is carrying out will only perpetuate hatred, worsen the security prospects for Israel, and impose a horizon of peace and prosperity for the Palestinians and for the whole region that is absolutely unfeasible." "Si tengo algo claro es que el Primer ministro Netanyahu no tiene un espíritu de paz para Palestina. Luchar contra el grupo terrorista Hamas es legítimo y necesario después de lo acontecido el pasado 7 de octubre pero Netanyahu esta generando tanto dolor, tanta destrucción y tanto rencor en Gaza y en resto de Palestina que la solución de los dos estados esta en peligro, en serio peligro de ser viable. La ofensiva que esta llevando a cabo solo conseguirá perpetuar el odio, empeorando las perspectivas de seguridad para Israel, e imponiendo un horizonte de paz y de prosperidad para los Palestinos y para toda la región absolutamente inviable. " JERUSALEM, NICHT DEFINIERT 20. MAI 2024 QUELLE: ISRAELI FOREIGN MINISTRY 7. 00:48-00:58 O-TON 4 - Israel Katz, Israel Foreign Affairs minister (Mann, Hebrew, 10 Sek.): "While the murderers and the rapists of Hamas are committing crimes against humanity against our brothers and sisters, the Attorney General in the same breath mentions the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense of the State of Israel alongside the abominable Nazi monsters of Hamas - a historical disgrace that will be remembered forever." RAMALLAH, PALÄSTINENSISCHE GEBIETE 31. MÄRZ 2021 QUELLE: AFPTV 8. 00:58-01:03 Halbnahe Palestinian and Central Election Commission flags flying outside the headquarters in Ramallah 9. 01:03-01:05 Schwenk von oben nach unten Palestinian and Central Election Commission flags flying outside the headquarters in Ramallah 10. 01:05-01:11 Aufwärts-Einstellung Palestinian and Central Election Commission flags flying outside the headquarters in Ramallah 11. 01:11-01:16 Aufwärts-Einstellung Palestinian security forces monitoring outside the Central Elections Commission headquarters in Ramallah 12. 01:16-01:23 Aufwärts-Einstellung Palestinian security forces monitoring outside the Central Elections Commission headquarters in Ramallah