Brexit-Hochburg hadert mit Austritt - aber noch mehr mit London

SKEGNESS, ENGLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN 21. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:04 Totale people walking, sitting on Skegness Pier 2. 00:04-00:08 Totale people at fish and chips restaurant 3. 00:08-00:11 Panorama woman and children entering building with casino sign 4. 00:11-00:15 Totale people browsing stalls selling beach items 5. 00:15-00:19 Totale people looking at arcade game SKEGNESS, ENGLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN 20. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 6. 00:19-00:22 Totale illuminated bingo sign, arcade SKEGNESS, ENGLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN 21. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 7. 00:22-00:37 O-TON 1 - Leslie Roebuck, Rentner (Mann, 74 Jahre alt, Englisch, 15 Sek.): ""Die Entscheidung war falsch. Aber keiner konnte in die Zukunft blicken und vorhersehen, wie das ausgeht. Es war eine schlechte Entscheidung, aber auf dem Papier sah alles so gut aus!" " "Wrong decision but nobody knew what was, foresee the future, see what was going to happen. So in theory it was a bad decision but it looked good on paper didn't it." 8. 00:37-00:41 Totale general view people on disability scooters, walking along Skegness high street passing stalls 9. 00:41-00:45 Halbnahe Danny Brookes, Skegness town councillor, preparing hot drinks in his cafe Indulgence along the high street 10. 00:45-00:51 Bildsequenz Danny Brookes, Skegness town councillor, delivering hot drinks to customers in his cafe Indulgence along the high street. Sound up overlay: "I think they've let us down, they promised us they could do it, oven-ready deals, in actual fact they had nothing." 11. 00:51-00:57 O-TON 2 - Danny Brookes, Stadtrat (Mann, Englisch, 6 Sek.): "Die haben uns im Stich gelassen. Sie haben uns den Aufschwung versprochen, aber da kam nichts!" "I think they have let us down. They promised us they could do it, oven-ready deals and in actual fact they had nothing." MANCHESTER, ENGLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN SKEGNESS, ENGLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN 15. NOVEMBER 2019 21. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 12. 00:55-00:59 Zwischenschnitt: Totale Boris Johnson getting out of bus during 2019 general election campaign, sign on bus saying "Get Brexit Done" 13. 00:57-01:09 O-TON 3 - Danny Brookes, Stadtrat (Mann, Englisch, 11 Sek.): "Wenn wir noch einmal abstimmen könnten über diesen Brexit und wie alles gelaufen ist, dann würden die Leute nicht mehr dafür stimmen. Aber für den Brexit, den sie sich eigentlich gewünscht haben, schon!"" "It was 75 percent. I think roughly, that voted to leave. And a lot of people are disappointed with the Brexit we've got if, if the vote happened again, and we were going to get this Brexit I don't think people would vote for it. But if it was going to get the the Brexit that they originally voted for, then I think they would vote for it." 14. 01:09-01:14 Schwenk von oben nach unten sign for stand selling ice-creams and donuts to customer near beach 15. 01:14-01:18 Halbnahe customer waiting and receiving order from stand selling ice-creams and donuts near beach 16. 01:18-01:22 Totale woman on mobility scooter, people passing arcade pony ride [follows shot 13] 17. 01:22-01:27 Panorama people walking along road leading down to Skegness beach 18. 01:27-01:49 O-TON 4 - Danny Brookes, Stadtrat (Mann, Englisch, 22 Sek.): "Für mich hat keine Partei eine Antwort. Nigel Farage sagt ja: Wir haben euch den Brexit beschert, jetzt müsst ihr etwas daraus machen. Aber die Regierung hat nichts daraus gemacht. Der Brexit ist total nach hinten los gegangen. Und Labour will nichts damit zu tun haben, damit sie keine Wähler verschrecken." "I just think that no party has got the answer. You know, Nigel Farage says, We've delivered Brexit, but over to you, you've got to manage it. The government have managed it very badly. So, Brexit has gone wrong. And the Labour, I don't think they want to talk about it, because they don't want to bring it up to put people off voting for them." 19. 01:49-01:54 Totale people sitting, walking along road leading down to Skegness beach 20. 01:54-01:59 Panorama people at restaurant, big wheel ride at funfair in background [follows shot 34] SKEGNESS, ENGLAND, GROSSBRITANNIEN 20. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 21. 01:59-02:03 Panorama Skegness pier 22. 02:03-02:08 Panorama bingo hall, arcade