Habeck: Chinas Hilfe für Russland schadet Beziehungen mit Europa

SHANGHAI, CHINA 22. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:42 O-TON 1 - Robert Habeck, German Economy Minister, German Vice Chancellor (Mann, English, 42 Sek.): "So I explained to my Chinese partners that without -- or because of the war -- I'll put it like this, because of the war, now our economic relation is affected, already now. We try to diversify our supply chains because we cannot risk that we are in a strong dependency by raw materials, technical goods of any kinds that can be used against our own interests, and of course, we have to look through all kinds of exports, and will stop the export and the dual use goods that are then helping Russia to succeed in this war." 2. 00:42-01:28 O-TON 2 - Robert Habeck, German Economy Minister, German Vice Chancellor (Mann, German, 46 Sek.): "That means that the Russian war of aggression and the Chinese support for the Russian government is already, now, damaging the trade and economic relationship between Europe and China. And that is an important message, that you can't just switch to a neutral position and then take sides against the security interests of the other country. That's how I see it and that's how I put it. Perhaps the Chinese side can take the, how shall I put it? China has made it clear, and I am very grateful for that, that they will not be supplying military goods to Russia."