EU-Kommission: Meta droht Milliardenstrafe

BRÜSSEL, BELGIEN 3. MÄRZ 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 1. 00:00-00:07 Halbnahe iPhone displaying apps for Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, Instagram, YouTube, Google Maps, Chrome, X, LinkedIn, Amazon, and TikTok, against a backdrop displaying logos for Alphabet, Google and Android 2. 00:07-00:11 Heranzoomen computer and smartphone screens showing the logos of big tech companies and their apps, including Alphabet, Google, Youtube, Android, Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, Instagram, ByteDance, TikTok, Amazon, X, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Apple, App Store, and iOS 3. 00:11-00:15 Detail iPhone displaying apps for Facebook, WhatsApp, Messenger and Instagram 4. 00:15-00:21 Nah an iPhone displays text from Apple setting out its changes to its App Store, iOS and Safari in the EU to meet the DMA requirements 5. 00:21-00:25 Nah iPhone displaying various apps, between screens displaying the logos of major tech companies and their apps, including Alphabet, Google, Youtube, Android, Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, ByteDance, TikTok, Amazon, X, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Apple, App Store, and iOS 6. 00:25-00:31 Nah a hand enters a query into Google search on an iPhone, looking for "EU" and "DMA" 7. 00:31-00:38 Halbnahe laptop and iPad screens display logos of Alphabet, Apple, Meta, ByteDance and Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, Instagram, YouTube, Google Maps, Chrome, X, LinkedIn, Amazon, and TikTok MENLO PARK, KALIFORNIEN, USA 28. OKTOBER 2021 QUELLE: AFPTV 8. 00:38-00:42 Totale people posing in front of sign displaying new Meta logo 9. 00:42-00:45 Halbnahe sign displaying new Meta logo MENLO PARK, KALIFORNIEN, USA 22. JULI 2019 QUELLE: AFPTV 10. 00:45-00:50 Halbnahe campus 11. 00:50-00:53 Totale exterior of a Facebook building on campus 12. 00:53-00:57 Halbnahe building 13. 00:57-01:01 Halbnahe building