Müdigkeit: Biden erklärt schwachen Auftritt bei TV-Duell

NUR FÜR AFP-ABONNENTEN (NO RESALE) WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA 2. JULI 2024 QUELLE: DC POOL EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: USA AUSGESCHLOSSEN AUSTRALIEN AUSGESCHLOSSEN NO ACCESS FROM CUBA / IRAN / SYRIA / NORTH KOREA / SUDAN / CRIMEA / DONETSK AND LUHANSK REGIONS OF UKRAINE 1. 00:00-00:10 Verfolgungsfahrt US President Joe Biden greets employees at the DC Emergency Operations Center in Washington, DC 2. 00:10-00:19 Verfolgungsfahrt US President Joe Biden greets employees at the DC Emergency Operations Center in Washington, DC 3. 00:19-00:36 O-TON 1 - Joe Biden, US President (Mann, English, 17 Sek.): "First, the Department of Labor is proposing a new rule that, when finalized, will establish the nation's first-ever federal safety standard for excessive heat in the workplace. This includes things like developing response plans to heat illness, training employees and supervisors, implementing rest breaks, access to shade and water...you'd think we'd have to tell people access to shade and water...and gradually leading new employees into heat environments. Across the country, workers suffer heat stroke or even die just doing their jobs. This new rule will substantially reduce heat injuries, illnesses, and deaths for over 36 million workers to whom it'll apply - from farm workers to construction workers, postal workers, manufacturing workers, and so much more. " WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA 1. JULI 2024 QUELLE: DC POOL EINSCHRÄNKUNGEN: NUR REDAKTIONELLE VERWENDUNG 4. 00:36-00:47 O-TON 2 - Joe Biden, US President (Mann, English, 11 Sek.): "Today's Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity that fundamentally changed for all practical purposes. Today's decision almost certainly means that there are virtually no limits to what the President can do. This is a fundamentally new principle, and it's a dangerous precedent, because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law, even including the Supreme Court in the United States, the only limits will be self imposed by the president alone. " PARIS, FRANKREICH 8. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 5. 00:47-00:50 Halbnahe US President Joe Biden toasting to French President Emmanuel Macron FASANO, APULIEN, ITALIEN 14. JUNI 2024 QUELLE: AFPTV 6. 00:50-00:54 Totale family photo